ExtraPrimo Piano

La settimana della musica TLI: Dicembre – Giorno II

Giorno II: Giorgio By Moroder – Daft Punk

È lunedì e abbiamo tutti già bisogno di musica disco.
Un po’ per rivivere i momenti del weekend, quando con un drink tra le dita ci facevamo spazio nel locale per posteggiare la chica avvistata, un po’ per racimolare quelle poche energie utili a far ripartire al massimo la nuova settimana!

Proporvi un disco classico, magari un pezzone dance dei Bee Gees sarebbe stata poca cosa rispetto all’adrenalina che riesce a darti un disco come Giorgio By Moroder dei Daft Punk.
Il duo francese più famoso di sempre ha deciso di dedicare una traccia del suo celebre album Random Access Memories a Giorgio Moroder, il rivoluzionario disc jockey italiano.


Semplice, Moroder è partito dalla fame, suonando nei locali notturni tedeschi per pochi spicci, dormendo in auto per risparmiare tempo e denaro.
Famoso per i suoi esperimenti con i sintetizzatori – idea originalissima e rivoluzionaria considerando che iniziò la sua carriera nel lontano 1963 – è stato un pioniere della musica elettronica e della disco-music internazionale.

I Daft Punk hanno deciso di omaggiare il loro idolo chiamandolo a partecipare alla registrazione del brano, lasciandogli largo spazio nell’introduzione per poter raccontare la sua vita.

Ladies and gentlemen, his name is Giovanni Giorgio but everybody call him… Giorgio!


When I was fifteen, sixteen
When I started really to play the guitar
I definitely wanted to become a musician
It was almost impossible because, it was
The dream was so big
That I didn’t see any chance
Because I was living in a little town, was studying
And when I finally broke away from school and became a musician
I thought “well, now I may have a little bit of a chance”
Because all I really wanted to do is music
And not only play music, but compose music

At that time, in Germany, in ’69, ’70, they already had discotheques
So I would take my car, would go to a discotheque
Sing maybe thirty minutes
I think I had about seven, eight songs
I would partially sleep in the car
Because I didn’t want to drive home
And that helped me for about almost two years to survive
In the beginning
I wanted to do an album with the sounds of the fifties
The sounds of the sixties, of the seventies
And then have a sound of the future
And I thought: “Wait a second
I know the synthesizer, why don’t I use the synthesizer
Which is the sound of the future”
And I didn’t have any idea what to do but I knew I needed a click
So we put a click on the 24-track which was then synced to the Moog modular
I knew that it could be a sound of the future
But I didn’t realize how much impact would be

My name is Giovanni Giorgio, but everybody calls me Giorgio

Once you free your mind about a concept of
Harmony and of music being correct
You can do whatever you want
So nobody told me what to do
And there was no preconception of what to do





Disegno di Luca Casadio

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